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open science reference text > Taverne Amendment

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Taverne Amendment  


  • Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, also known as the Taverne Amendment, allows researchers to share short scientific works, regardless of any restrictive publisher’s guidelines. Short scientific works include articles, book chapters or book sections in an edited book and conference publications. Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act states that: "The maker of a short scientific work, the research for which has been paid for in whole or in part by Dutch public funds, shall be entitled to make that work available to the public for no consideration following a reasonable period of time after the work was first published, provided that clear reference is made to the source of the first publication of the work." A reasonable period of time is nationally defined as six months after the first (online) publication. (Source:

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 3/2/23, last modified 3/2/23