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Preferred term

souvenir contesté  


  • Souvenir autobiographique vivace dont le sujet a fini par douter de la véracité.

Broader concept(s)


  • souvenir douteux
  • souvenir non cru

Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Mazzoni, G., Scoboria, A., & Harvey, L. (2010). Nonbelieved Memories. Psychological Science, 21(9), 1334 -1340.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : fermé]

  • • Otgaar, H., Bücken, C., Bogaard, G., Wade, K. A., Hopwood, A. R., Scoboria, A., & Howe, M. L. (2019). Nonbelieved memories in the false memory archive. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 8(4), 429–438.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : fermé]

  • • Otgaar, H., Scoboria, A., & Mazzoni, G. (2014). On the existence and implications of nonbelieved memories. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23(5), 349-354.

    [Type d'étude : revue de la littérature / Accès : fermé]

  • • Scoboria, A., Mazzoni, G., & Boucher, C. (2017). Nonbelieved memories : A review of findings and theoretical implications. In R. A. Nash & J. Ost (Eds.), False and distorted memories. Psychology Press. Ebook edition.

    [Type d'étude : revue de la littérature / Accès : fermé]

  • • Scoboria, A., Nash, R. A., & Mazzoni, G. (2017). Sub-types of nonbelieved memories reveal differential outcomes of challenges to memories. Memory, 25(7), 876–889.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : fermé]

  • • Zhang, Y., Battista, F., Thissen, D., Otgaar, H., Wang, J., & Jelicic, M. (2022). Examining the associations between nonbelieved memories and memory distrust, self-esteem, and rumination. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : fermé]


  • Frank Arnould

Dataset citation(s)

  • • Brockerhoff, A. (2020, July 2). Eliciting Nonbelieved Memories.
  • • Creating Nonbelieved Memories for Bizarre Actions Using an Imagination Inflation Procedure. (2020). [Data set]. OSF. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/8XNZ3
  • • Li, C., Otgaar, H., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Mr, & Muris, P. (2022, March 21). Inducing nonbelieved memories using negative pictures from the Open Affective Standardized Image Set.
  • • Otgaar, H., Wang, J., Li, C., Mazzoni, G., & Zhang, Y., Mr. (2022, January 6). Review: Belief, Recollection, and Nonbelieved memories.
  • • Virtual reality and nonbelieved memories. (2017). [Data set]. OSF. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/
  • • Zhang, Y., Battista, F., Thissen, D., Otgaar, H., Wang, J., & Jelicic, M. (in press). Examining the associations between nonbelieved memories and memory distrust, self-esteem, and rumination. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.

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