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jugement d'apprentissage  


  • Jugement métamnésique « par lequel les participants indiquent la probabilité qu'ils se souviendront du matériel appris lors d'un test futur » (Double et al., 2018, p. 741).

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Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Arbuckle, T. Y., & Cuddy, L. L. (1969). Discrimination of item strength at time of presentation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 81(1), 126–131.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : fermé]

  • • Double, K. S., Birney, D. P., & Walker, S. A. (2018). A meta-analysis and systematic review of reactivity to judgements of learning. Memory, 26(6), 741–750.

    [Type d'étude : méta-analyse / Accès : fermé]

  • • Narens, L., Nelson, T. O., & Scheck, P. (2008). Memory monitoring and delayed JOL effect. In J. Dunlovsky & R. A. Bjork (Eds.), Hanbook of Metamemory and Memory. Psychology Press.

    [Type d'étude : revue de la littérature / Accès : fermé]

  • • Nelson, T. O., Narens, L., & Dunlosky, J. (2004). A revised methodology for research on metamemory : Pre-Judgment Recall and Monitoring (PRAM). Psychological Methods, 9(1), 53‑69.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : fermé]

  • • Rhodes, M. G. (2016). Judgments of learning: Methods, data, and theory. In J. Dunlosky & S.K.Tauber (Eds.),The Oxford handbook of metamemory (pp. 65–80). Oxford University Press. oxfordhb/9780199336746.013.4

    [Type d'étude : revue de la littérature / Accès : fermé]


  • Frank Arnould

Dataset citation(s)

  • • Fan, T. (2021, September 10). The Contribution of Metamemory Beliefs to the Font Size Effect on Judgments of Learning: Is Word Frequency a Moderating Factor? doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/D894V
  • • Fukuda, K., Saito, J. M., & Kolisnyk, M. (2021, December 22). Judgments of Learning Reveal Conscious Access to Stimulus Memorability.
  • • Hu, X. (2020, April 15). Using Multilevel Mediation Model to Measure the Contribution of Beliefs to Judgments of Learning.
  • • Kelley, T., & Davis, T. (2020, November 20). Neural Evidence for Retrieval Attempts During Delayed Judgments of Learning.
  • • Li, B. (2021, February 3). Soliciting Judgments of Forgetting Reactively Enhances Memory as Well as Making Judgments of Learning: Empirical and Meta-Analytic Tests.
  • • Mendes, P. S., Luna, K., & Albuquerque, P. B. (2020, June 2). Experience matters: Effects of (in)congruent prompts about word frequency on judgments of learning.
  • • Mendes, P. S., Luna, K., & Albuquerque, P. B. (2020, September 30). Word frequency effects on judgments of learning: More than just beliefs.
  • • Myers, S. J., Rhodes, M., & Hausman, H. E. (2019, November 2). Judgments of Learning (JOLs) Selectively Improve Memory Depending on the Type of Test.
  • • Putnam, A. L., DeSoto, K. A., Dehkes, P., Gilmore, G., & Deng, W. (2021, November 16). Are retrospective confidence ratings better predictors of future performance than judgments of learning? Experiment 3. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/VE6Y8
  • • Tekin, E. (2021, February 26). The Effect of Delayed Judgments of Learning on Retention.
  • • Undorf, M., Dr., S.-M. K. J., & Amaefule, C. O. (2020, January 29). The neurocognitive basis of metamemory: Using the N400 to study the contribution of fluency to judgments of learning.
  • • Zimdahl, M. F., & Undorf, M. (2021, April 20). Hindsight bias in metamemory: outcome knowledge influences the recollection of judgments of learning (JOLs).

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