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processus > processus neurophysiologique > mouvement oculaire

Preferred term

mouvement oculaire  


  • Mouvements des globes oculaires qui seraient des indicateurs du contenu et des processus de la mémoire.

Broader concept(s)

Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Hannula, D., Althoff, R., Warren, D., Riggs, L., Cohen, N., & Ryan, J. (2010). Worth a glance : Using eye movements to investigate the cognitive neuroscience of memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4, 166.

    [Type d'étude : revue de la littérature / Accès : ouvert]

  • • Johansson, R., Nyström, M., Dewhurst, R., & Johansson, M. (2022). Eye-movement replay supports episodic remembering. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1976), 20220964.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : ouvert]

  • • Ryan, J. D., & Shen, K. (2020). The eyes are a window into memory. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 32, 1‑6.

    [Type d'étude : revue de la littérature / Accès : ouvert]

  • • Sahan, M. I., van Dijck, J.-P., & Fias, W. (2021). Eye-movements reveal the serial position of the attended item in verbal working memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1‑11.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : ouvert]


  • Frank Arnould

Dataset citation(s)

  • • Coco, M. I., Merendino, G., Zappala’, G., & Della Sala, S. (2021, February 5). Semantic interference mechanisms on long-term visual memory and their eye-movement signatures in Mild Cognitive Impairment.
  • • Coco, M. I., Mikhailova, A., Raposo, A., & Della Sala, S. (2021, April 1). Eye-movements reveal semantic interference effects during the encoding of naturalistic scenes in long-term memory.
  • • Johansson, R. (2022, June 8). Recollections seen from the viewpoint of different minds. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/D9ZNG
  • • Mertens, G., Landkroon, E., Krypotos, A.-M., van Veen, S., Sevenster, D., & Engelhard, I. (2018, July 23). Comparing three different eye-movement tasks on cognitive load and autobiographical memory interference.
  • • Morey, C. C., Mareva, S., Lelonkiewicz, J. R., & Chevalier, N. (2017, February 17). A developmental investigation of eye movements during a serial spatial memory task.
  • • Sahan, M. I., van Dijck, J.-P., & Fias, W. (2020, December 23). Grounding of verbal working memory in the oculomotor system: eye-movements reveal access to positions in sequences of memorized words. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/2GB7W
  • • Whitlock, J. (2020, June 22). Eye Movement Analyses of Strong and Weak Memories and Goal-Driven Forgetting - Data.

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