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leadership effectiveness  


  • Adelphia Communications, John Rigas, CEO; AOL Time Warner, Robert Pittman, CEO; Arthur Andersen, Joseph Berardino, CEO; Bristol Myers, Fred Schiff, CEO; Citigroup, Sanford Weill, CEO; Enron, Ken Lay, CEO; Merrill Lynch & Co., David Komansky, CEO; Qwest Communications, Joseph Nacchio, CEO; Sunbeam, Al Dunlap, CEO; Tyco International, Dennis Kozlowski, CEO, and the list goes on—companies that were icons of success have now become icons of dramatic failure, unethical practice, or simply bad judgment. One day these companies and their leaders were lauded as the embodiments of leadership effectiveness and the next day as embodiments of what is wrong with the system. [Source: Encyclopedia of Leadership; Leadership Effectiveness]

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