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  • Transgenic animals clearly have potential applications in agriculture, biomedical research, and for the production of pharmaceuticals. The efficiency of transgenesis by pronuclear microinjection in ruminants remains low and, to date, this method allowed only the random introduction of foreign genes. The different steps in producing a transgenic animal are: - superovulation of donor animals or in vitro maturation of oocytes; - fertilization in vivo or in vitro and collection of oocytes or embryos; - microinjection of recombinant DNA into one of the pronuclei of one cell embryo or zygote; - in vitro development of embryos; - embryo transfer to recipient animals; - analysis of DNA from offspring for the presence of transgene; - mating of transgenic animals (founders) with non-transgenics to propagate the transgenic line. (Source : INRA)


  • Biotechnology and applied microbiology
  • Genetics and heredity

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